Frequently asked questions

Want to know more about MyWorkplaceCloud? Here are some answers that may help.

We look forward to hearing from you.


What does the TAKEOFF offer include?

MyWorkplaceCloud's TAKEOFF offer is designed to help you develop internal communication within your organization and create links between your employees. This offer includes modules and features such as news and events (share information about the company through articles or information on events), thematic and collaborative monitoring (share information on internal or external subjects and involve your employees in collaborative monitoring), the media library (give easy access to all images, videos or audios) or quizzes…

What’s in the Business offer ?

The Business offer is designed to facilitate organization, stimulate teamwork and personal productivity. This offer includes modules from the Takeoff (communication) and Collaborate (collaboration) offers, as well as functionalities such as projects and tasks (manage your projects with a Kanban-type visual), personalized forms and workflows (dematerialize your internal requests such as vacation requests, IT equipment requests, etc., and track your internal processes), Mind mapping-type content…
It's a complete Digital Workplace platform that enables companies to improve efficiency and access the resources they need for innovation.

What’s in the Collaborate offer ?

Encourage collaboration, sharing and employee involvement with the Collaborate package. It includes the modules of the Communication offering, as well as functionalities such as conversations (forums, collaborative FAQs or ideas), communities (virtual spaces where members meet to exchange ideas and progress), wikis (create and share meeting minutes in wiki format)…

Collaborate transforms the classic intranet into a true collaborative platform. Communicate and collaborate at will!

To whom do the “Microsoft”, “Google” and “Liberty” editions correspond?

Are you already using tools like Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace? Consolidate their use with a platform that seamlessly integrates them and lets you capitalize on these tools with new features. For example, you'll be able to access your emails, calendar or documents online via MyWorkplace. If you don't have or don't wish to integrate Microsoft or Google, you can choose a Liberty version of MyWorkplace, and integrate third-party tools for office automation, e-mail, etc., if you wish.

How many members can I put on my platform?

You can order up to 10,000 members on the website, but if you need more, you can send an e-mail to and we'll send you a quote.

Can I manage specific rights on the application?

The application offers fine-grained rights management for each member or group of members, with access to certain content, categories and functions controlled by an Access Control List system. Administrators or contributors themselves can define who can view/modify/delete their content.


Is it possible to use Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace with MyWorkplaceCloud?

Yes, our MyWorkplaceCloud platform is compatible with a Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace offer. Thanks to this integration, you'll be able to read your emails on MyWorkplaceCloud, co-edit documents that are saved either on Microsoft or Google or on MyWorkplaceCloud, use chat and visio tools (Meet or Teams) on your Digital Workplace, display documents stored on your Drive or Sharepoint etc...

Microsoft or Google modules are included in all offers.

Is this a monthly subscription?

Yes, you will pay monthly.

Can I change my current subscription?

Yes, you can upgrade number of members or your pack. The change will be available the following month with at least 48 hours' notice.

Is there a commitment?

Depending on the offer you choose, you could give 14 days' notice for a monthly subscription or 1 month's notice for an annual subscription, after the first year.

What could I do if I need more storage space or a specific data backed up policy?

Just send an e-mail to and we'll send you a quote.

What options can I add to my MyWorkplaceCloud platform?

There are many options available to customize your MyWorkplaceCloud platform, integrating it fully with your information system and your strategic objectives for developing your business.

For example, you can add native functionalities such as :
- E-learning, knowledge sharing, creation of learning paths such as on-boarding, for example.
- Instant messaging (chat, visio...)

Other functionalities are available via a connector (requiring an account with a third-party service), for example:
- an electronic document signature system
- integration of artificial intelligence and assistants

It is also possible to integrate connectors (via API) to your platform to connect it to other business software, for example HRIS software, CRM, PIM etc...
In this way, you can fully customize your Digital Workplace and turn it into a real user cockpit for your employees.


How do I contact support?

Need help using MyWorkplaceCloud? Don't hesitate to contact our support department by e-mail at

When is the service available?

Our support service is available by e-mail 24 hours a day. Our response times vary, but your ticket will be processed within 6 hours.

Can support help me to train my teams?

Of course! With your subscription you get 1 to 5 days of assistance depending on your package, which you can use in a variety of ways. For example, you can organise video training sessions for your team.


Where is my data hosted?

For Australian customer platforms, data is hosted in Australia at AWS (Amazon).
For customer platforms in the French-speaking Pacific, data is hosted in Europe by OVH CLOUD.

How is MyWorkplaceCloud data backed up?

Data is saved every 24 hours.

Who has access to my data?

The members you integrate into your platform have access to your data, depending on the rights they have been granted and the areas to which they belong. A member will only see the data for the areas of which he or she is a member. For technical reasons and to facilitate support, has an administrator for each MyWorkplaceCloud instance. The administrator accesses technical data and content according to the customer's needs. In any case, the administrator is subject to a confidentiality clause.

Is the platform responsive?

Your MyWorkplaceCloud instance is accessible over the web, from a desktop, tablet or smartphone. A mobile application (iOS and Android) is also available for easy smartphone navigation.

SSO adapted ? LDAP au serveur d’authentification ? Serveur Keycloack ou du 0auth2 protocole ?

It is possible to integrate an SSO (Single Sign On) environment into MyWorkplace, using OAuth 2.0, enabling users to connect to a service only once. OpenID Connect can also be used on a Keycloack server. You can also use the SAML 2.0 standard, which enables MyWorkplaceCloud to interface with all the major identity management solutions on the market supporting the SAMLv2 protocol.

What type of electronic signature is possible?

Electronic signatures are possible via several online solutions such as Docusign, YouSign or UniverSign. MyWorkplaceCloud initiates (triggers) the signature request on the basis of documents stored on the platform. The signature process is then managed by the third-party solution, which then guides the type of electronic signature. MyWorkplaceCloud allows you to track the status of the signature and retrieve signed documents from the platform at the end of the process. It is possible to restrict access to the electronic signature to a group of people only.

How do you launch an e-learning program? Can I upload a SCORM file?

MyWorkplaceCloud offers an e-learning module to facilitate continuous learning and knowledge transfer within an organization. With this module, it is possible to create knowledge and import a SCORM file. MyWorkplaceCloud can be used to retrieve the results of a quiz integrated into the scorm, or to associate a MyWorkplaceCloud quiz with SCORM content, without the option of mixing the 2. All knowledge is grouped together in the knowledge catalog, which can be accessed via the 'Training' application in the application launcher.

Is it possible to interface with Exchange?

Microsoft Exchange interfaces with the MyWorkplaceCloud platform, and we upload all content. Documents are co-edited using Microsoft tools (Word, Excel, etc.), interfaced directly with MyWorkplaceCloud and the document management system.

In the case of workflows, can a workflow trigger an action on an API?

An action can be triggered on an API when a workflow changes state (or reaches a specific state) with specific development. This is not natively supported by the solution.

How do we strengthen the security of our application?

We provide continuous infrastructure and application hardening:
For platforms hosted on AWS, we have aws shield standard (managed protection service) which protects all AWS customers against the most frequent common attacks targeting infrastructure (layers 3 and 4), such as SYN/UDP flows and reflection attacks, to guarantee high availability of applications on AWS.
On the cluster side, we have strengthened our security by implementing network policies, IP restrictions for access to cluster resources, and nominative accounts.
Our nodes are TLS bootstrapped, and we have monitoring and alerting. We update the cluster very regularly.

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